IO Aerospace to support MethaneSAT in MethaneAIR Mission

Denver, CO: IO Aerospace announced today its collaboration with MethaneSAT, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Environmental Defence Fund (EDF). The collaboration is focused on their special mission, MethaneAIR.

The MethaneAIR mission is equipped with state-of-the-art methane measurement technology. This technology will measure and track methane emissions from oil and gas sites. This special mission aims to inform and augment data collection efforts. MethaneSAT, a methane-aware satellite, is scheduled for launch early next year. The methane aware satellite will monitor and map methane emissions, targeting a more precise range than current methane aware assets. This technology will aid in addressing methane emissions with the goal of slowing the rate of warming.  

IO Aerospace is pleased to support this mission by testing sensor technology for data acquisition and processing. We are highly committed to delivering reliable and accurate datasets. Using IO’s specially designed and modified high-altitude airborne mapping platform is a key feature of the MethaneAIR mission. This capability enables the mission to fly at higher altitudes for longer sustained periods of time.

“IO Aerospace is excited to collaborate with MethaneSAT on the MethaneAIR mission,” said Jonathan Neufeld, President of IO Aerospace. “With our high-altitude mapping platform, we deliver unique capabilities that weren’t previously commercially available. Our team looks forward to delivering reliable, accurate and high-quality data, that supports in the tracking and monitoring of methane gas emission.” 

The IO team, experts in aviation, also holds developed expertise in remote sensing and geospatial technology. They will leverage this expertise throughout to scale and elevate the mission to new heights.

“With expertise in aviation and geospatial technology, we are pleased to support the MethaneAIR mission, providing a unique set a remote sensing capabilities,” said IO Aerospace CTO Trevor Miller. “With our jets ability to monitor and collect data over large areas within a single flight, it is the ideal platform for reliably testing sensor technology for whatever its proposed purpose may be – such as monitoring atmospheric gases like methane.” 

About IO Aerospace: located in Denver, Colorado, it was founded in 2022 with a vision to transform sensor technology into unique operational capability. IO boasts a team of innovative and forward thinkers. The mix of expertise and services we provide is second to none. Our team has collectively mapped millions of square kilometers in over 20 countries. This extensive experience and knowledge enable us to understand what it takes to obtain reliable data sets. IO Aerospace is a specialized firm that assists clients by offering end-to-end services for specialized aviation remote sensing missions. These services encompass sensor design, integration, aircraft acquisition, flight operations, center management, data quality control, and more. Their mission is to equip companies with the ability to scale their missions to new heights.  

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